Meet Mr. Amit Kumar, who moved from Delhi to Hyderabad recently, GCNDLH202101633 with the support of proficient packing and moving solutions from Agarwal Packers. He further says what he liked the most about our services – the professional, sturdy packing of each of their items, smooth transportation, and the on-time delivery of all their household goods. Furthermore, the moving team made sure to re-arrange all of his valuable household articles and possessions in their designated place and he was super glad to have our expert moving services in place. He concludes that he would love to move with us again, in the coming future too!
Agarwal Packers is a renowned name in the logistics business and is the one-stop solution for all types of moving – short distance, long-distance, international, corporate, industrial, or household relocations. Besides, the 35+-year-old company is known for its able workforce, smart moving techniques, state-of-the-art technology, and live consignment tracking facility for any moving batch in transit. The prime motto of Agarwal Packers is to promise safety and security of customers’ valuables, at affordable rates.
Founded By: Mr. Ramesh Agarwal (Original Founder) Agarwal Packers and Movers Ltd.
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